Personal Appraisal
Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential For
Your MAPP™ results are based on your responses to the MAPP™ assessment and are truly unique. We’ve processed and interpreted them to reveal your true motivations, your top vocational areas, learning styles, and your work preferences.
This document is a self-discovery tool used in career and educational planning. It is not a psychological assessment. If you have any questions contact International Assessment Network.
International Assessment Network 7400 Metro Blvd Suite #350 Edina, MN 55439 U.S.A. Phone: 952-921-9368 MAPP, Copyright 1995-2015
- CRAFTS (Skilled Trades)
- MENTAL ORIENTATION (How you think)
- PERCEPTUAL ORIENTATION (How you retain or block information)
- PERCEPTION REGARDING INPUT "MEDIA" (How you prefer to receive information)
- SKILLS FOR TESTING PROCEDURES (How you most effectively test)
INTEREST IN JOB CONTENT (Those tasks you want to perform)
The Interest section identifies the ideal job content for you by identifying your motivations and preferences, called Worker Traits. These traits are listed in order of priority. Typically, what one wants to do is that which he/she is most likely to do and do it often enough (including training for it) to transform the raw interest into real skills, and then, to stay on that job. The Interest section of your MAPP report outlines your preferences toward work in relation to people, creativity, social activities, routine, tools, equipment and more. The Interest section is the first glance of your top motivators. Each section thereafter will inter-relate and you will begin seeing themes about the types of tasks and work that you prefer.
Yellow is conscious of existence, meaning, purpose, potential and destiny of humankind, people, and self. Yellow is motivated by a self-felt, self-accepted calling to the cause of good, growth, and gain in the lives of others. Influential communication of ideas is a primary way of achieving those objectives. Perception and thinking tend to be holistic and conceptual; i.e., seeing the big picture. It is important to see which of the other traits are interactive with this trait because there can be many interesting combinations. This is a major trait in cultural, intellectual, academic, and creative activities. It includes ideas, concepts, theory, ethics, and values.
Preferences for Yellow fully support being perceptually, subconsciously, and consciously aware of fantasy, symbols, symbolic relationships, abstract ideas, options, and choice of options as they relate to creative or innovative activities. Perception triggers ideas in Yellow mind, a process that just happens - a process often called intuition. It is not a conscious effort to logically "come up with" creative ideas; instead, the process is best identified with the statement that "a thought struck me." A quote by Carl Jung probably makes complete sense to Yellow: "Art is innate in the artist, like an instinct that seizes and makes a tool out of the human being. The thing in the final analysis that wills something in him is not he, the personal man, but the aim of the art."
Yellow has a curiosity and awareness about the nature and utility of things. Analysis and experimentation are part of vocational and recreational activities. But those are probably not specialized or professional activities. Instead, they are a part of a mix of functional preferences. Preferences that are technically oriented cause Yellow to think systematically and to be motivated where challenging activities are developmental or experimental.
Yellow is moderately motivated to manage others on a social or organizational basis as part of overall vocational responsibilities and activities. Rather than functioning in the top executive or managerial position or role, Yellow is possibly more comfortable with a position in middle management or as a group or team leader. Motivational levels of related traits can identify reasons and/or preferences for such management roles and responsibility.
Yellow enjoys associating and interacting with people but likes independence as well. So the activity, rather than people, is more than likely the deciding factor. Where mutual interest is the purpose for association, Yellow willingly participates and cooperates. Where interests differ, Yellow will independently pursue those interests.
Yellow enjoys social or vocational interaction with others but is not dependent on direct contact and association. If some work responsibilities or activities require functioning apart from others, it can be done without the need for social breaks to be with others. This flexibility is an asset in trade activities, operating machines or equipment, and in many technical and outdoor activities.
Yellow is motivated to work on projects that are planned, scheduled, and completed. This indicates a preference to complete a project rather than leave it unfinished. But completion or achievement may be offset by switching to a project of higher priority and/or interest, with the hope that the uncompleted project may be done another day. What is not completed will probably be kept in mind until it is completed.
Yellow prefers and may even require change and variety. Sameness and routine cause loss of interest, drive, and energy. Yellow probably sees a truth in the saying "a change is as good as a rest." This individual enjoys vocation, recreation, and/or vacations that include lots of change and variety, new challenges and experiences as well as new contacts and acquaintances.
Yellow is motivated very little by physically working with things and objects as a primary or important part of work or recreation. Other activities carry a higher priority. Sensory/physical traits have probably not been developed well enough to be considered a motivational feature of work.
Yellow has little need for or is not motivated by recognition, status, or competitive gain. Comfortable and satisfied with a subjective estimate of self in relation to others, opinions others hold about this person do not present serious effects, one way or the other. For Yellow, personal and internal interests or drive motivates performance, not the promise of favor, recognition, or reward from external sources.
TEMPERAMENT FOR THE JOB (How you prefer to perform tasks)
This Temperament section identifies the motivation and talent an individual possesses in twelve Worker Trait Areas and coincides with the Interest section. The Temperament and Interest sections say the same thing from a different perspective. Your highest motivators will be displayed first. In this section you will learn things such as; do you prefer lots of change and variety on the job, are you persuasive, do you prefer to work in teams or independently, are you a naturally driven to evaluate and analyze, and more.
Yellow prefers and needs change and variety. Change is motivating, stimulating, and energizing. Yellow looks for new options, challenges, assignments, acquaintances, relationships, and even new careers in new places. Yellow tires of sameness, repetition, and routine even in activities that were interesting at the start. Once things become routine for Yellow , this becomes a motivation to move on to more interesting things.
Yellow is most likely benevolent, voluntarily giving of self to help others, especially regarding current pain, hurts, stress, needs, and problems. This means empathetic, sympathetic, intentional, personal involvement in the personal lives of others to give help, sacrificially if necessary, and to subjectively gain personal satisfaction from providing personal service. (NOTE: emphasis is on the word "personal." This is a heart trait and is totally self-motivated and voluntary. It is one of the most strongly motivated traits in determining vocational dedication. The word "others" is important in the context of benevolence) Yellow is probably more benevolent toward persons not intimately, formally, or organizationally related. (NOTE: Benevolence expects those in close relationships to join in the giving rather than being a priority recipient.) Nonetheless, Yellow probably exhibits benevolence toward all persons. But benevolence does have priorities about eligibility of persons for help.
(NOTE: "Evaluation: to appraise carefully; to judge as to worth or amount; to estimate generally.") Most likely, Yellow has a logical mind which "makes sense" of what is perceived regarding the big picture and pieces of the picture within the context of that big picture. It is evaluation or assessment after perception, not the process of perception itself. Emphasis is on patterns, linkage, and relationships. Intuition may be involved in conjunction with this evaluation/assessment process.
Yellow has a strong preference to work under the management or supervision of others who are competent and knowledgeable in their area of expertise. This also may indicate a preference to avoid work of an independent nature (i.e. self-directed, self-planned, self-managed). Performance, morale, energy, enthusiasm, and quality of work tend to reflect how satisfied Yellow is with the working environment as created and managed by the motivational and inspirational leadership of a manager, director, supervisor, or lead-person.
Mind and mental activity are very central to Yellow's vocational activities. (NOTE: "Intuition is very different from thought, from feeling and from sensation, by the major characteristic of insight. Intuition comes from the Latin meaning, literally, `in to you'. Intuitive insight results from `identification with,' rather than `looking at' the object of attention. It is `being a part of.' Intuiting is a process, not of perception, but of experience. There is no need for interpretation in intuition. Intuitive relationship implies contact. So one does not perceive; one experiences." ~~Quote from Robert Ashby) Yellow has a preference or perhaps the talent or ability for experiencing abstract ideas, creativity, concepts, theory, assessment, and choice of options. New ideas and creativity must have an important place in vocation.
Yellow willingly accepts responsibility for exercising motivated talents. These may include leadership and/or management talents and, therefore, involve responsibilities for others. This is an important, broad, in-depth factor that includes social, leadership, management, and mental activities. Perception and thinking include seeing the big picture and handling responsibilities in that context.
Yellow enjoys and benefits from being organizationally interactive with others in work or recreational activities. This sort of preference tends to represent a motivation toward association and service. Yellow also has considerable social independence so organizational association with others tends to be on a mutual-interest or mutual-activity basis. If work requires functioning independently of or apart from others, Yellow is comfortable with occasional nonsocial activities.
Yellow sees self as talented, self-sufficient, and goal-oriented. Most likely, Yellow regards work activity and goals as more important than association, interaction, or involvement with people. If vocation calls for working with others, or managing the skills and or abilities of others as part of achieving work objectives, Yellow is motivated and equipped to do that. When others are selected for existing, deliverable skills and/or abilities; then performance is expected. But independent, self-directed, self-achieved activity is preferred.
Yellow is motivated to influence and convince others as part of social, organizational, vocational, or recreational activities. A motivation exists to speak up when there is reason, occasion, or opportunity to sway others to Yellow's ideas or way of thinking. Persuasive efforts may be oral, written, or via some media (like email). Motivation behind that persuasion is to get others to accept what one is communicating.
Yellow accepts and exercises responsibility for organizational management but may not necessarily seek out that role for self. Emphasis is on management of people, but that is directly tied to performance of existing, available skills and abilities. Performance and results are the main emphasis. Other traits must be studied to determine if Yellow manages best on a take charge or given charge basis which has much to do with how personally or impersonally, performance-based or service-based, that management style will be.
Yellow is tolerant of routine sensory/physical activity that is tied to and timed by machine operation. It usually involves repetitious processes with occasional scheduled breaks. With only medium motivation for assembly line type of work, it is likely that feeding, offbearing, or assembly work is a temporary activity until something more interesting is found, or it is a minor part of the assigned work.
Yellow does not generally see, retain, and/or recall verbatim detail and, instead, shows an awareness of concepts, patterns, general ideas, etc. Yellow "Gets the drift" of what is seen, read, or heard. Recall is in general and in relative terms and not in specifics. Numbers are sometimes transposed. Words are read as form or pattern rather than by specific letters. Although this concept is built around ability, addressed here is how these abilities generally affect current preferences and specific motivations pertaining to the situation.
APTITUDE FOR THE JOB (Expression of performing tasks)
This is a highly generalized section in which the narrative deliberately focuses on the combination of motivations and preferences as they relate to personal talents or skills. It lets the individual look into a vocational mirror and see his/her own talents and then decide for themselves where they fit and function the best with regard to motivation and preference. It is another context in which to see if priorities are mental, sensory, or physical: "To thine own self be true."
Philosophical, cultural, scientific, literary, managerial, and/or computational work, more than likely, represent very important types of mental activities for Yellow . Being capable in those activities, Yellow s mind is naturally receptive to consider abstract ideas, theory, concepts, inquiry, exploration, analysis, logic, systems, and procedures. Factors in this aptitude section, plus the data and reasoning sections show the degree of motivation and talent Yellow has for each of those mental activities. High rating for this trait indicates an intellectual orientation that is functional in, or has potential for, academic, scientific, research, literary, executive, or consulting activities.
Yellow's preferences and motivations are derived from understanding the deeper or 'real' meaning of ideas and words and uses them effectively in written or oral communication. Literary in this factor means intentional search for ideas expressed by the minds of others for one's own use, assimilation, learning, etc. The source can be books, other publications, historical documents, research information, drama, movies, television, the "information highway" or internet, etc. Emphasis is on communication: picking up information from minds of others or communication aimed toward the minds of others. Journalism and writing are major activities. Literary activity is not exclusively intellectual, academic, or cultural. It may be an end in itself as in a bookworm for instance. And literary activity is not always accompanied by communicative activity, written or oral. On the other hand, communicative activity need not be literary in the classic sense. And one need not be persuasive to be communicative, but it helps. When the trait is highly motivated, as it is here, it suggests both literary and communicative abilities that are or could become a usable skill or a developed talent. By now you can see that only a review of all traits will clearly show the specific content of Yellow's literary and/or communicative preferences and motivations.
Sensory/mental awareness of "pieces of the picture" is capacity for comparative, intra-holistic recognition of parts relative to other parts and/or the big picture. It includes ability to see essential detail and make visual/mental comparison and discrimination relative to relationships of objects. The definition says "pieces of the picture," so it recognizes the picture and its larger context, but this trait still emphasizes pieces and their status as pieces. Yellow prefers to see the big picture by first putting all the 'pieces' together. Most likely Yellow already sees pieces as pieces rather than the big picture first and then breaking it apart into all the various pieces.
Yellow's preferences do not deter from seeing the big picture and handle things in that larger context. This ties yesterday and tomorrow to today, ties possibilities to present fact, and leaves open options instead of closed systems. This is a useful combination of preferences and abilities if Yellow is involved in analysis, planning, strategy, assessment, or choice of options.
Although Yellow does not specifically prefer mathematics, motivation is not swayed one way or the other as there is an adequate awareness and ability utilizing mathematics. Other traits will indicate which kind of math that preference applies to: theoretical, statistical, analytical, computational, business, administrative, clerical, arithmetic, or posting. Wherever it works best, it is a vocational asset.
Yellow's preferences and motivations most likely revolve around an adequate ability to see, retain, and recall detail. Preferences and motivations do not fixate on detail or a vocational specialization based on detail. (NOTE: Awareness of detail at this level is a useful talent in functional, operational, or administrative activities).
More than likely, Yellow does not have highly developed, consistently reliable sensory/physical motivations either learned or naturally. There is little motivation to physically perform better each time, to beat one's last score (as in a game), to be the best operator in the crew, to look forward and back at sensory/physical activity as challenging and fun. Instead, Yellow prefers to consider the sensory/physical system (the body) as 'on call' and adequately able to perform as expected.
Yellow has few artistic preferences, and where preferences are lowest, artistic talent has probably not been developed to any usable ability. (NOTE: Given industry norms, the use of artistic details and processes in job context is problematic for people without such preferences).
Yellow is not motivated for what is called `workbench' activity where a person manually (primarily arms, hands, fingers) processes materials. There can be many reasons for disinterest in that activity: 1) Yellow is motivated to do other things, 2) Yellow does not naturally have the talent for sensory/physical activity of that kind, 3) the activity is too monotonous for Yellow's activity preferences, or 4) it is too non-social where social activities are preferred. It is important to identify the reason(s) so Yellow can function where natural talent or already existing skills and abilities as well as motivation are greater.
The motivations and preferences influencing Yellow's mind tend to not be oriented toward placing importance or emphasis on sensory/physical activity. Instead of `thinking' what to do physically, or how to do it, other activities have much higher priority and therefore, preferences and motivations tend to lean towards those alternative activities. It is unlikely that Yellow has a high preference for sensory/physical activities.
Yellow has clear preferences that do not include handling minute manipulation of detail for extended periods of time. If asked, splicing telephone wires at a switchboard installation or knitting a sweater to enter in a county fair competition, Yellow would likely indicate that these are not a preferred career or avocation.
PEOPLE (How you relate to people, in priority order)
In this section, seven people factors cover important activities related to the interaction of a person with other persons. These are very important for individuals motivated and perhaps even naturally talented or specifically trained for associating and interacting with people. They may also be important traits for certain “people intensive” jobs. Low motivational ratings in this section may also be quite positive and valuable, if occupations necessitate or require that an individual function apart from others, manage his/her own activities, or be satisfied with work in isolation.
"Mentor: a trusted counselor or guide." Yellow is interested in and consciously prefers to consider the existence, meaning, purpose, potential, and destiny of mankind, people, persons, and self; with self-felt, self-accepted responsibility to influence and/or cause good, growth, and gain in the lives of all concerned. Yellow has intuition and philosophical curiosity that causes an awareness of personality, intentions, emotions, ethics, values, and moods of other persons, and of self. By itself, this is not benevolence. If Yellow is highly motivated for benevolent activities, this trait is compulsively central to personal and vocational activities. If there is a lack of personal motivation, then the preference for consideration tends to be more philosophical or academic in nature, but still service oriented.
Yellow feels both privilege and responsibility to use communication (including persuasion) to voluntarily provide beneficial information to others. This includes strongly motivated benevolent and literary traits. Self-satisfaction comes almost exclusively from the subjective realization that the information, voluntarily given, has been helpful to other persons. Yellow is further motivated to learn and understand the other person(s) needs wishes and listening preferences. Non-persuasive service communication can become persuasive and persistent when expressed in the interest of someone needing Yellow to stand up for them.
Yellow is motivated to educate, which means to share knowledge that will be useful for the persons taught. Instructing can be in many forms: teaching, training, influencing, and demonstrating. It is done through various combinations of traits, and there are many traits that could be involved. So it is necessary to scan all traits to discover why and how Yellow prefers to or is motivated to instruct others.
Yellow is ready, willing, and perhaps even able (or trainable) to persuasively influence others with the intent or hope to convince them to agree with what is said. Because this trait is moderately motivated, Yellow is probably not inclined to make a living by selling on a commission basis. Instead, persuasion is interactive with other traits and finds expression in other ways such as teaching, counseling, etc.
Yellow can be motivated in some situations to assume the responsibilities for planning, assigning, directing, supervising, and monitoring work activities of others. Preferences lean toward steady, on-site contact and interaction with those being supervised. Motivational levels are effected by the amount of responsibilities that include morale, attitudes, attendance, training, safety, and getting adequate quality and performance from employees.
Yellow is moderately motivated by being "on stage" in order to pleasantly influence others toward a particular viewpoint, objective, or product. Yellow probably has moderate to high motivational levels in other gregarious and persuasive traits. Yellow is comfortable with a spokesperson role, and may even prefer it or be personally energized by it. Yellow is only moderately motivated within this trait, (s)he is probably not "stage-struck" toward entertaining or acting to the exclusion of other activities or responsibilities. The preference is more toward influencing rather than promoting or selling.
Yellow has motivation and, more than likely, the natural talent for assertively negotiating or an adequate motivational level that supports training in that area. This includes strategic thinking, influential communication, analysis, and/or persuasion. Many traits are involved, and their motivational levels determine the amount of involvement and influence of each trait. Strategic thinking is considered a preferred key element.
Yellow is empathetically and sympathetically aware of the hurts, needs, problems, and wishes of others and is motivated to help whenever possible. There is inclination and willingness to get personally involved in the personal lives of others in order to help with one's talents and resources. Although only moderately motivated in this social service trait, it is hard for Yellow to ignore or say "no" to anyone less fortunate.
THINGS (How you relate to things, in priority order)
Working with things, manipulation of materials and processes, and cognizance of operational and mechanical forces or objects, highlights this Worker Trait Code section. None of the factors in this section are directly related to people nor call for exclusive talents whether or not they exist within the individual. However, these factors do call for the interaction and interplay between mental, sensory, physical, and mechanical skills and/or abilities as possessed by the individual. If the individual has a natural mechanical savvy, and likes to work with his/her hands, this becomes a highly important and relevant Worker Trait Code section.
Yellow has natural preferences related to mechanical, technical, or systems engineering. It includes natural mechanical savvy about "what makes things tick" and motivation to design, assemble, build, install, or operate machines, equipment, or systems. Engineering may or may not be the major vocational activity.
Yellow is moderately motivated to be responsible for technical, operational control of tolerances and quality; for attainment of precise standards and identification of defects. (NOTE: This is a very important preference in industries where production, maintenance, and repair require exact precision, high quality, and almost zero in allowable defects or error).
"Being stuck to a machine all day" is not Yellow's definition for a satisfying vocation, occupation, or job. There is little preference for understanding machines, little preference for steadily monitoring machine performance, and little motivation for coping with the routine that is required.
Yellow's preferences and motivations in vocational activity are not oriented toward routine, alert monitoring, recording, and reporting of operational or machine processes. Such activity is too clerical for Yellow's preferences.
Manual labor is not an activity where Yellow is in any way motivated. Routine, elementary, sensory/physical activity is not preferred; instead, it probably is experienced as boring, frustrating, and stressful.
For one or more of a variety of possible reasons, Yellow does not prefer working with heavy equipment operation.
Yellow's motivations are not compatible with assembly line activity where one is locked into operational processes by station, function, and timing. Such activity would most likely be boring, tiring, frustrating, and stressful for Yellow in a short time.
Yellow is not motivated toward processing activities, no matter what is being processed or who is doing the processing. There is no natural preference for this sort of activity.
DATA (How you relate to data, in priority order)
The data section identifies preferences, motivations and priorities for certain kinds of mental activities. If interests and preferences are primarily intellectual, academic, scholarly, scientific, mathematical, or professional, this may be the most important section of the Worker Trait Code System for the person appraised. If his/her preferences are not primarily mental, this section may have little value. If these factors are important for this profile, then factors in the reasoning, math, and language sections will also be both relevant and important.
"Synthesize: putting two or more things together to form a whole; the combination of separate elements of thought into a whole; the operation by which divided parts are united" (Webster). Yellow is motivated by seeing the big picture so much so that (s)he, attempts to see all parts of the picture in that larger context, then sees all parts relative to each other, but still within that larger context. Perception and thinking are therefore holistic and conceptual. Philosophical and intuitive processes are involved. Scientific, managerial, and/or literary preferences may also be involved. Other mental factors in this section are subordinate, secondary, or complementary to this primary motivational attribute. This is an overview and scanning activity that includes ideas, concepts, theory, fiction, hypothesis and assessment. (Note that words in the last sentence are unrelated to logic that Webster defines as "the science of the operations of the understanding subservient to the estimation of evidence.") For Yellow , preferences for this sort of synthesis will allow it to get no further toward logic than estimating.
Preferences that direct mental activity for Yellow are naturally curious, inquisitive, investigative, exploratory, analytical, and experimental. Words such as "if" and "why" are central to this trait. It is a factor that fits exactly between synthesizing and comparing, with emphasis on synthesizing. Analysis is more than seeing the big picture, or seeing how the pieces fit the big picture. The motivation to engage an activity or process comes from nonlinear speculating about new forms, possibilities, relations, and fits. In other words, it tends to be an executive function dedicated to possibilities.
Yellow prefers an emphasis on utility when called upon to recognize and identify or classify important factors related to the context, content, operations, and objectives of projects. (NOTE: This is an important trait for research, technical activities, systems engineering, operations management, and administrative activity).
Yellow's motivational levels support being conscious of the importance of information and evidence relative to the "whole story" of a subject or topic. This support extends into perception that there is a natural sorting process of separating what is important from what is trivial. And Yellow is most likely to be deliberate, methodical, and thorough in compiling, labeling, and storing information for later use.
Yellow is motivated to coordinate (i.e., manage, manipulate, administer, etc.) that which is at hand to achieve planned, known or strategic objectives. This means that Yellow prefers to do something functional, directional, and goal-oriented with thinking processes, decisions, and actions. When and how Yellow coordinates can be determined by reviewing other traits.
Yellow is motivated to a degree for handling and solving routine, factual, mathematical problems. This set of preferences holds value in operational, technical, processing, or administrative activities. (NOTE: When interacting with other traits, as it does here, this trait has vocational value in many areas).
Copy activity involves detail and routine, which is preferred by Yellow and includes reproducing images, information, etc. by machine operation and/or graphic design and layout. (NOTE: It is an asset for database management, computer publishing activity, administrative or library work, and/or warehouse processing).
REASONING (How you relate to reasoning, in priority order)
This Reasoning section is closely linked with the Data section. The Data section identifies an individual's priorities or preferences (high and low) for ways of thinking, while the Reasoning section focuses on where, why, and how this thinking will most likely be applied. Just like the linkage between the Interest and Temperament sections, Data and Reasoning are coupled very tightly as well.
Yellow is strongly motivated to apply thinking to the big picture through holistic ideas, concepts, options, and strategies. This does not mean, suggest, or imply that thinking is kept only in a holistic context but it does mean that the first and constant priority or preference for consideration and focus are on the big picture. (Example: Yellow more likely prefers to be an executive rather than a manager, and more inclined to be a manager rather than a supervisor.) Considering how pieces of the picture are brought in to the big picture stimulates motivation for the activity.
The preferences in Yellow's mind tend to be oriented toward systems engineering: identifying, analyzing, and solving challenges and/or problems by collecting data, establishing facts, connecting abstract and concrete variables, drawing valid conclusions, determining appropriate actions, and devising strategies and systems to achieve objectives. Many traits are involved. Since there is a moderate motivational level to work with systems engineering for Yellow , all of those traits may not have strong or equal motivational levels. Review of all traits will identify which area or areas of engineering represent higher motivational levels for Yellow .
Yellow is motivated and perhaps even mentally equipped for troubleshooting: to recognize or otherwise identify problems or developing problems in familiar operational or procedural areas; to tackle problems with intent to solve the problems and restore function to former levels or better. (NOTE: This requires onsite familiarity with those operations, a sense or suspicion of where things might or could break down, and savvy about ways to fix the problem).
For Yellow , natural preferences can comfortably adapt to get into the "swing of things" and "go with the flow." Becoming synchronized with operational flow can be the result of many trait combinations, the most likely being mechanical savvy, attachment to the familiar, and attention to detail, plus certain social traits at even low motivational levels. It is likely that Yellow is motivated in methodical, thorough, and routine activities as long as those activities are a necessary part of interests with stronger motivational levels. (Note: Many people like methodical, meticulous, routine activities as a break or departure from vocational activities that call for constant change, variety, quick decisions, risk, etc.)
Depending on the situation, Yellow generally prefers simple, routine tasks in a familiar environment. This preference of Yellow's is probably limited to hearing or reading exactly what was meant and doing as instructed. (NOTE: This is a good trait for operational, administrative, or clerical activities. {In fast-food establishments for example, it is essential.}) Three kinds of persons typically have issues with this kind of job: 1) Those who don't hear (sometimes won't hear) or remember specific instructions, 2) those who feel entitled or licensed to do it some other way, and 3) those who simply cannot, for many reasons, "keep their nose to the grindstone" in such basic, routine tasks.
Given the vocational task, Yellow's motivational level is adequate to participate where understanding of operational aspects of systems, procedures, and/or maintenance is required. Because Yellow has only motivation for an activity that is based on repetition (in both function and time), it is likely that tenure will not be for the long haul unless Yellow seeks, needs, or enjoys stability and routine. (NOTE: Motivation doesn't guarantee the ability or talent just as aptitude for an activity doesn't guarantee the motivation).
MATHEMATICAL CAPACITY (How you relate to the applied usage of math)
Math is a natural talent like art or music and requires a certain natural preference. In most instances, you have it or you don't; you like it or you don't. If the individual has talent for math, this section shows where the greatest vocational interest and motivation occurs, and that is where he/she has probably developed the most talent or could. Low ratings for some or all of these factors imply that math, or possibly that specific application of math, is not a motivational factor to this individual.
Yellow is motivated to work with a wide variety of theoretical math concepts; make original application of those concepts; apply knowledge of advanced mathematical or statistical techniques to new areas of challenge, interest, or opportunity. Motivation is derived from conceptual, analytical, curious, and exploratory thinking. Research and theoretical logic probably appeal greatly to Yellow's mind.
Yellow is motivated and probably equipped to work with, use, and apply math at management levels for tracking, analyzing, and proving business activities and performance. This is part of a management generalist preference.
Yellow's preferences tend to be methodically curious, exploratory, analytical and systematic, with math as an important tool for such activity. However, math is not an end in itself but used more as a tool as just stated. Yellow prefers to consider proof as a primary basis for thought.
Yellow has a moderate motivation where business math related to commercial calculations and transactions are called for. This means there exists a natural ability to be competent and accurate with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. (NOTE: Where the ability does not already naturally exist for Yellow , in this instance, motivational levels support training, most likely).
Yellow does not prefer activities requiring verbatim perception, recording, and/or processing of details, especially where numbers are involved.
Yellow may simply lack interest or the motivation to express self vocationally through the use of basic math skills while possibly quite capable. This is most likely demonstrated by consistent inaccuracy when making basic arithmetic calculations.
LANGUAGE CAPACITY (How you relate to the usage of language)
Four language traits are included in the narrative to cover basic activities that utilize words. They aren't very specific, but there are related factors for literary, journalistic, and communicative activities in the Interest, Temperament, Data, People, Aptitude and Reasoning sections. If a high motivational and/or preference level exists for one or more factors in this section, scan those other sections to discover preferences the individual has for those activities. Not all jobs call for orators or authors, while some jobs require such skills.
Yellow is highly motivated to consider creative writing and communicating at professional levels. Preferences are holistic, conceptual, imaginative, and creative. "Ideas trigger more ideas" can probably be said about Yellow . High motivational levels for this worker trait indicate an interactive combination of literary and philosophical traits. As Dean W. R. Inge said, "Literature flourishes best when it is half a trade and half an art." That probably makes a great deal of sense to Yellow . Motivation at this level indicate preferences that probably include writing fiction, poetry, scripts for movies or television, advertising copy, marketing copy, teaching creative writing, etc.
Logical explanation and education can be motivational for Yellow in some instances. This motivational level is based on the complementary interaction of a number of traits: social, leadership, influential, technical, service and functional. Review of all worker traits will identify Yellow's specific journalistic motivations and or preferences.
Yellow's vocational preferences include such activities as gathering, processing, recording, transmitting, filing, and/or retrieving information. Key preferences lean toward proper language usage, spelling and punctuation; referencing, filing, and retrieval abilities; and attention to detail.
Yellow does not pay particularly close attention to non-motivational information, data, or detail such as elementary and basic instructions. The natural preference may be to simply use common sense or to experiment in order to figure it out.
The Worker Trait Code System has been in use for over 30 years and has proven to be an outstanding vocational tool for identifying jobs, classifying job requirements, and understanding human motivation. The Worker Trait Code System has been modified from a proposal by the US Department of Labor's 1965 version of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. The Worker Trait Code has seventy-two factors sorted into nine categories. The code's purpose is to identify "those abilities, personal traits, and individual characteristics required of a worker in order to achieve successful job performance." The architect of MAPP used this same criteria to define job positions and provide a method for individuals to identify their motivations and to improve their odds at success in "worker trait" terms. The Worker Trait Codes of the Position Profile and the Personal Profile can be simply and electronically matched in order to ensure the right person is working in the right job. The Worker Trait Code Report contains the percentiles which determine the level of motivation the trait has for the person. The higher the percentile or the lower the level number, the greater chance the person has to succeed or compete with the general population in the trait area or activity. For example, a score of 88% (Level 1) indicates that only 12% of the general population is more motivated and interested in vocationally expressing this task. Traits in Level 1 are compulsive; Level 2 is highly motivated; Level 3 is moderately motivated.
INTEREST IN JOB CONTENT (Those tasks you want to perform)
IN_6 - Concerned with people, communication of ideas | | 2 |
IN_8 - Abstract, innovative, creative activities | | 2 |
IN_7 - Technical, scientific interests and skills | | 3 |
IN_4 - Management of social or organizational activities | | 3 |
IN_2 - Direct business contact and interaction with others | | 3 |
IN_9 - Nonsocial procedures, operations or functions | | 4 |
IN_0 - Output drive: production, goals, efficiency | | 4 |
IN_3 - Routine, organized, methodical procedures | | 4 |
IN_1 - Physical work with materials, tools, equipment | | 4 |
IN_5 - Work for personal gain, recognition, status | | 5 |
TEMPERAMENT FOR THE JOB (How you prefer to perform tasks)
TE_1 - Change and variety: accept, utilize, cause change | | 2 |
TE_X - Provide service dedicated to interest of others | | 2 |
TE_0 - Evaluation: logical study, analysis | | 2 |
TE_3 - Work under management or supervision by others | | 2 |
TE_9 - Intuition, creativity: ideas, concepts, options | | 2 |
TE_8 - Handle responsibilities, choices, decisions | | 3 |
TE_5 - Organizational involvement, teamwork, roles | | 3 |
TE_6 - Independent, self-planned, self-performed activity | | 4 |
TE_7 - Aggressively influence, persuade, get agreement | | 4 |
TE_4 - Plan, control, direct activities of others | | 4 |
TE_2 - Routine activity set by schedule or operations | | 4 |
TE_Y - Work with detail, data, records, inventory | | 4 |
APTITUDE FOR THE JOB (Expression of performing tasks)
AP_G - Intellectual and/or Analytical orientation | | 2 |
AP_V - Literary and/or Communicative orientation | | 2 |
AP_P - Sensory/Mental awareness of "pieces of the picture" | | 2 |
AP_S - Mental/Sensory awareness of "the big picture" | | 3 |
AP_N - Computational or analytical use of numbers | | 4 |
AP_Q - Sensory/Mental awareness of detail per se | | 4 |
AP_E - Simultaneous skills in complex physical tasks | | 4 |
AP_C - See and sense colors, shades, patterns, textures | | 5 |
AP_M - Manual dexterity in routine "workbench" activities | | 5 |
AP_K - Mental/Sensory coordination of physical action | | 5 |
AP_F - Mental/Sensory skills in handling fine detail | | 5 |
PEOPLE (How you relate to people, in priority order)
PE_0 - Mentor: size up people, personalities, motives | | 2 |
PE_6 - Service communication: voluntarily inform others | | 2 |
PE_2 - Instruct: teach, train, influence, demonstrate | | 3 |
PE_5 - Persuade: assertively influence, convince others | | 3 |
PE_3 - Supervise: plan, manage work activity of others | | 3 |
PE_4 - Entertain: to deliberately influence others | | 4 |
PE_1 - Negotiate: confront, communicate to achieve goal | | 4 |
PE_7 - Social service directly benefiting others | | 4 |
THINGS (How you relate to things, in priority order)
TH_0 - Engineering, technical planning, installation | | 3 |
TH_1 - Precision/quality: technical, mechanical standards | | 4 |
TH_2 - Operate/control: on-site machine operation | | 4 |
TH_5 - Tending: monitoring/adjusting gauges, switches, controls | | 4 |
TH_7 - Handling: basic, routine manual labor | | 5 |
TH_3 - Drive/Operate: mobile and heavy equipment; controls | | 5 |
TH_6 - Feeding/offbearing: manual labor timed by machines | | 5 |
TH_4 - Manipulate: physically manage material processes | | 5 |
DATA (How you relate to data, in priority order)
DA_0 - Synthesize: holistic, conceptual, strategic thinking | | 2 |
DA_2 - Analyze: investigate, research, experiment | | 2 |
DA_6 - Compare: recognize important factors for use | | 3 |
DA_3 - Compile: gather, classify, store information | | 3 |
DA_1 - Coordinate: plan, implement, manage procedures | | 3 |
DA_4 - Compute: solve routine mathematical problems | | 3 |
DA_5 - Copy: duplicate, transcribe, record, send | | 4 |
REASONING (How you relate to reasoning, in priority order)
RE_6 - Holistic concepts, meanings, options, strategies | | 2 |
RE_5 - Apply ideas and strategies to real problems/tasks | | 3 |
RE_4 - Solving on-going problems in familiar areas | | 3 |
RE_2 - Methodical and thorough in routine procedures | | 4 |
RE_1 - Follow specific directions for basic, routine tasks | | 4 |
RE_3 - Operational systems, procedures, maintenance | | 4 |
MATHEMATICAL CAPACITY (How you relate to the applied usage of math)
MA_6 - Research: innovative, experimental use of math | | 2 |
MA_4 - Analytical, accounting, auditing use of math | | 3 |
MA_5 - Statistical, investigative mathematics | | 3 |
MA_3 - Computational: solving routine math problems | | 4 |
MA_1 - Counting/Posting: inventory, data processing | | 4 |
MA_2 - Elemental: add, subtract, multiply, divide | | 5 |
LANGUAGE CAPACITY (How you relate to the usage of language)
LA_6 - Creative literary, communicative ability | | 2 |
LA_4 - Systematic, logical explanation and education | | 3 |
LA_2 - Record, transmit, post, file information | | 4 |
LA_1 - Read, understand, follow basic instructions | | 4 |
The Vocational Analysis provides nineteen major vocation areas for consideration, based on major vocational categories suggested by the US Department of Labor in sorting its Dictionary of Occupational Titles. These areas are ranked from highest to lowest potential. The ranking is obtained by comparing the individual's score to the general population. Each major vocational area further contains specific occupational titles which are also ranked to identify occupational potential. You may see an occupational title with a high rating while the vocational heading has a low rating, or vice versa. Strong vocational and occupational ratings in the same group indicate the greatest potential for success. However, each occupational statement should be reviewed individually.
Investigating, Testing | 63 | 2 |
Counseling, Guidance | 63 | 2 |
Law and Enforcement | 58 | 2 |
Medicine and Health | 55 | 3 |
Mathematics and Science | 55 | 3 |
Education and Training | 51 | 3 |
Writing and Journalism | 49 | 3 |
Business Relations | 48 | 3 |
Entertainment, Promotion | 47 | 3 |
Engineering | 45 | 3 |
Fine Arts: art, music, drama | 45 | 3 |
Merchandising: Selling, Demonstrating | 45 | 3 |
Personal Services | 43 | 4 |
Farming, Fishing, Forestry | 42 | 4 |
Clerical | 37 | 4 |
Elemental Work | 33 | 4 |
Machine Work | 31 | 4 |
Crafts | 29 | 5 |
Transportation: Trucks, Bus, Taxi, etc. | 28 | 5 |
Fine Arts
Decorating and Art Work: design, arrange, consult | 50 | 3 |
Instructive, Fine Arts: drama, art, music | 46 | 3 |
Art Work: creative expression, ideas; paint, draw | 31 | 4 |
Artistic Restoration: detail, precision; restore | 29 | 5 |
Photography: aesthetics, form, color, perspective | 19 | 5 |
Business Relations
Corresponding: prepare, edit, send communications | 60 | 2 |
Consulting, Business Services: evaluate, influence | 58 | 2 |
Accounting, Auditing: analyze, compare, report | 55 | 3 |
Corporate Leadership: executive, managerial | 54 | 3 |
Information Processing: gather, verify, send, file | 53 | 3 |
Interview/Inform: gather, dispense information | 52 | 3 |
Title and Contracts: find, examine, confirm | 52 | 3 |
Contract Negotiations: confront, persuade, close | 47 | 3 |
Business Training: teach, demonstrate, communicate | 44 | 3 |
Managerial: organize, coordinate departmental work | 35 | 4 |
Supervisory: responsible for work done by others | 24 | 5 |
Managerial/Supervisory - Service: coordinate | 9 | 5 |
Secretarial: clerical; minor executive assignments | 48 | 3 |
Inspecting, Stock Checking: inventory, verify, store | 38 | 4 |
Computing and Related Recording: numerical problems | 38 | 4 |
Sort, Inspect, Measure: quality, tolerance, value | 37 | 4 |
Routine Checking and Recording: processing totals | 33 | 4 |
Switchboard Service: relay incoming office calls | 33 | 4 |
Typing, Related Recording: routine data processing | 32 | 4 |
Stenographic: shorthand, typing, word processing | 31 | 4 |
Classify, File: clerical detail, forms, filing | 30 | 4 |
Schedule, Dispatch, Expedite: coordinate activities | 28 | 5 |
Typesetting, Reproducing with Machines: detail, form | 28 | 5 |
Facilities Services: utilize equipment and people | 25 | 5 |
Cashiering: receive money for goods or services | 20 | 5 |
Paying, Receiving: cash transactions (tellers) | 17 | 5 |
Counseling, guidance, Social Work
Research, Social Science, Psychological | 63 | 2 |
Guidance, Counseling: personal, work, school, spiritual | 60 | 2 |
Crafts (Skilled Trades)
Craft Management: plan, oversee craft activities | 69 | 2 |
Cooking and Related: plan, prepare, serve foods; timing | 34 | 4 |
Craftsmanship: build, process, repair, inspect | 30 | 4 |
Precision Working: rigid standards, tolerances | 30 | 4 |
Trade Supervision: direct onsite craft activities of others | 30 | 4 |
Costuming, Tailoring, Dressmaking: artistic textile crafts | 30 | 4 |
Manipulating: sensory/physical/mechanical work | 27 | 5 |
Education And Training
High School, College, University; teach/counsel | 58 | 2 |
Training Services: human resource development | 58 | 2 |
Supervisory and instructive: teach/manage service classes | 57 | 2 |
Kindergarten, Elementary Education: teach, nurture | 53 | 3 |
Vocational Education: teach/demonstrate; apprentice | 53 | 3 |
Industrial Training: systems, processes, machines | 45 | 3 |
Instructive: hobbies, crafts, games, recreation | 45 | 3 |
Physical Education: sports; coach, develop skills | 42 | 4 |
Animal Training: obedience, performance, show | 40 | 4 |
Flight and Related: teach aircraft flight/operation | 29 | 5 |
Elemental Work
Handling: routine nonmachine tasks, basic work | 31 | 4 |
Feeding/Offbearing: manual labor, machine-timed | 31 | 4 |
Signaling: alert observation; guide/warn public | 25 | 5 |
Technical Writing: logic, terminology, explanation | 61 | 2 |
Engineering, Scientific, Technical Coordination | 57 | 2 |
Sales Engineering regarding Technical Markets and Customers | 56 | 3 |
Industrial Engineering: plan, direct, install, erect | 51 | 3 |
Human Engineering: identify, develop/apply human skills | 51 | 3 |
Systems Engineering: research, design, develop, apply | 42 | 4 |
Surveying, Prospecting: explore, locate, map | 40 | 4 |
Engineering Research and Design: conceive, experiment | 39 | 4 |
Drafting and Related: graphic layout/diagrams/detail | 31 | 4 |
Musical, Creative: compose, arrange, improvise | 48 | 3 |
Dramatics: interpret, portray roles | 43 | 4 |
Radio, TV Announcing: poise, vocabulary, delivery | 43 | 4 |
Creative Entertainment: imagination; spontaneous | 42 | 4 |
Recreation/Amusement: challenge, risk; competitive | 38 | 4 |
Specialty Entertainment: please others to make sales | 37 | 4 |
Musical, Vocal: singing, choral, solo; public | 33 | 4 |
Musical, Instrumental: professional potential | 31 | 4 |
Amusement/Entertainment: physical, gymnastics, sports | 28 | 5 |
Modeling: artistic display; fashions, apparel | 27 | 5 |
Rhythmics: dancing, ballet; precision of movement | 13 | 5 |
Farming, Fishing, Forestry - Outdoor, Remote
Technical/Scientific Support: lab/field service | 45 | 3 |
Farming, Fishing, Forestry: outdoor craftsmanship | 38 | 4 |
Investigate, Inspect, Test - Lab/Field Service
Investigate/Protect: monitor, enforce regarding regulations | 44 | 3 |
Material Analysis/Physical Science: test regarding specs | 41 | 4 |
Appraise/Investigate: assess, evaluate, measure | 33 | 4 |
Transport, Test Drive: operator, pilot, engineer | 29 | 5 |
Law and Enforcement
Legal and Related: practice of law; judges, lawyers | 47 | 3 |
Protecting: Monitor, defend persons and property | 41 | 4 |
Machine Work
Setup, All around Machine Work: install, technical | 36 | 4 |
Operating/Controlling: stationary machine operation | 32 | 4 |
Driving/Operating: heavy equipment control and operation | 30 | 4 |
Tending: observing operations, instruments, gauges | 30 | 4 |
Setup/Adjust: tuning machines to performance standards | 26 | 5 |
Math And Science
Health Physics: safety engineering, occupational | 63 | 2 |
Scientific Research: probe, analyze, experiment | 53 | 3 |
Math regarding Physical Sciences: collect, analyze data | 37 | 4 |
Medicine and Health
Medical, Veterinary: diagnose, treat, prescribe | 53 | 3 |
Nursing, X-Ray; technical care for patients | 45 | 3 |
Child and Adult Care: health maintenance, support | 42 | 4 |
Surgery: manual/instrumental operation/correction | 36 | 4 |
Therapeutic: rehabilitation, physical or mental | 33 | 4 |
Promotion/Publicity: advertise, market, promote | 51 | 3 |
Purchase and Sales: merchandising; stores, markets | 42 | 4 |
Demonstration sales: store contact with customers | 42 | 4 |
Delivery Services: mail, products, services | 32 | 4 |
Sales and Service: selling, installing equipment | 25 | 5 |
Sell in Seller's Interest: gain for self; commissions | 25 | 5 |
Personal Service
Customer Services: clerical, duplicating, sending | 56 | 3 |
Volunteer Social Service: social, personal | 37 | 4 |
Beautician/Barber (Stylist): cosmetic services, styling | 31 | 4 |
Courrier Service: escort, assist, deliver | 31 | 4 |
Customer Service: craft, repair, improvements | 24 | 5 |
Personal Service: valet, butler, maid, food service | 23 | 5 |
Transportation, Public
Driver, Public Transportation: bus, taxi, limousine | 22 | 5 |
Creative Writing: author; imagination, vocabulary | 60 | 2 |
Journalism and Editorial: write, edit, publish news | 55 | 3 |
News Reporting: gather, write, send information | 49 | 3 |
Translating/Editing: language, format, composition | 33 | 4 |
In this section MAPP presents those ten occupational titles with the highest motivation and greatest potential for the individual's success. When people are searching for careers or being considered for jobs, this list of the ten top occupations should be given serious consideration.
Craft Management: plan, oversee craft activities | 2 |
Health Physics: safety engineering, occupational | 2 |
Research, Social Science, Psychological | 2 |
Technical Writing: logic, terminology, explanation | 2 |
Guidance, Counseling: personal, work, school, spiritual | 2 |
Corresponding: prepare, edit, send communications | 2 |
Creative Writing: author; imagination, vocabulary | 2 |
Consulting, Business Services: evaluate, influence | 2 |
Training Services: human resource development | 2 |
High School, College, University; teach/counsel | 2 |
The Personal Analysis indicates the basis for every rating, percentage, code, and narrative paragraph produced by MAPP. This report is directly based on the responses of an individual to the 71-triad, forced-choice preference survey. The source information comes from the person's indicated preferences in the assessment - and nowhere else. Therefore, the appraisal only reports what the individual was saying about "self" through those responses to the most/least choices. Responses create a record of the level of motivation for each of twenty-three traits (see section 3.2). By complex "construct" analysis, the computer identifies what happens as the result of the combined motivational interaction of all of those twenty-three traits. This complex interaction of all traits produces the rating and percentage for each of the factors in MAPP. Please keep in mind how many different trait combinations can produce the same ratings for a factor in MAPP. Every number presented in MAPP output is the result of these complex trait interactions, and it is statistically unlikely that any two individual's appraisals would ever be the same!
The source of all data interpolation/extrapolation in MAPP, these twenty-three core "traits", identify a unique quantification and qualification for each individual. Because of the interplay and inter-dependency between these traits and their values, the possible combinations are almost beyond human comprehension. It is greater than the total number of people who ever lived on this earth. The actual expression would be seventeen to the one hundredth power interacting with seventeen to the eleventh power. It is suggested that serious study be applied to this list in order to get some idea of what happens when your individual traits simultaneously attempt to influence thoughts and actions. Sometimes traits are complementary and, therefore, strengthen, reinforce, and encourage other traits. Sometimes traits are totally contrary and antagonistic to each other. This may result in one trait trying to prevent expression and satisfaction of another. If only one can be expressed, the other may cause stress.
Philosophical | 68 | 2 |
Management, Strategic, Risk | 68 | 2 |
Change and Variety | 68 | 2 |
Cultural (Romantic) | 65 | 2 |
Scientific | 62 | 2 |
Literary, Communicative | 59 | 2 |
Benevolent | 59 | 2 |
Technical (Classic) | 49 | 3 |
Gregarious | 48 | 3 |
Persuasive | 44 | 3 |
Harmonious, Compatible Relations | 43 | 4 |
Nongregarious | 42 | 4 |
Management, Operational | 42 | 4 |
Attachment to the Familiar | 37 | 4 |
Management, Organizational | 37 | 4 |
Self-oriented | 35 | 4 |
Firm Opinions and Positions | 34 | 4 |
Computational, Numerical | 34 | 4 |
Natural/Outdoor | 31 | 4 |
Mechanical | 31 | 4 |
Detail, Clerical | 26 | 5 |
Auditory/Musical | 24 | 5 |
Visual/Artistic | 24 | 5 |
This section can be used as a stand alone sub-system. It provides a good summary of everything else found in MAPP and, therefore, it is deliberately redundant. You will see things in the Personal Orientation" section that relate to, or even repeat, what is in other sections.
Executive leadership, strategy, influence | 62 | 2 |
Supervision of operational processes and people | 38 | 4 |
Social, fraternal, organizational leadership | 37 | 4 |
Management: administrative, operational | 36 | 4 |
Expediting, scheduling, dispatching | 31 | 4 |
Tactful concern for feelings of others | 69 | 2 |
Other-oriented: involvement, sharing, caring | 56 | 3 |
Avoid conflict; seek harmony, compatibility | 50 | 3 |
Aggressive personal action; confrontation | 47 | 3 |
Persuasive motivation to influence others | 46 | 3 |
Take charge leadership and influence; dominance | 42 | 4 |
Self-aware of status and position regarding others | 37 | 4 |
Strong personal opinions and positions | 24 | 5 |
Benevolent concern and service for others | 63 | 2 |
Philosophical interest in life, meaning, destiny | 62 | 2 |
Communicative: oral, persuasive or literary | 56 | 3 |
Organizational involvement and cooperation | 52 | 3 |
Gregarious involvement and interaction with others | 43 | 4 |
New problem solving: theory, hypothesis, options | 64 | 2 |
Scholastic, literary search for information | 62 | 2 |
Flexibility in decisions, actions, strategy | 61 | 2 |
Adaptability: ability to fit in; tolerance | 60 | 2 |
Learning through study, analysis, instruction | 52 | 3 |
Understanding the basic nature of things | 52 | 3 |
Concentration: topic, detail or procedure | 49 | 3 |
Learning by experience; craft apprenticeship | 47 | 3 |
Logical, sequential, systematic procedure | 44 | 3 |
Detail: perception, retention, recall of detail | 39 | 4 |
Permanence in steady, familiar activities | 36 | 4 |
Routine: preference for familiar procedures | 36 | 4 |
Known problem solving; familiar, repetitious | 21 | 5 |
Skill (quality): engineering, precision, abilities | 28 | 5 |
Steady (quantity): concentration, skill, routine | 22 | 5 |
Awareness: natural understanding of mechanics | 21 | 5 |
Operational performance with machines | 19 | 5 |
Feel: sensory/physical ability regarding machines | 18 | 5 |
Methodical: logical, sequential repair procedures | 41 | 4 |
Natural awareness of machines and parts | 40 | 4 |
New: mechanical savvy applied to all machines | 36 | 4 |
Familiar: repair skill from previous experience | 29 | 5 |
Safe, clean care of job, tools, worksite | 16 | 5 |
Ability to maintain and service machines | 34 | 4 |
Provide consistent machine/equipment maintenance | 34 | 4 |
Maintenance under adverse physical conditions | 33 | 4 |
Thoroughness and accuracy in machine maintenance | 32 | 4 |
Importance of appearance in machine maintenance | 21 | 5 |
David E. Barbee, Ph.D., Educational Technology, must be given credit for the inspiration, ideas, and specifics in the Educational Analysis section of MAPP. Dr. Barbee designed a complete educational system based on the "the motivational characteristics and learning styles" of each student. His educational system design has much in common with the MAPP system. This becomes evident when the root meaning of education is considered: "Education: To draw out the natural powers." The Educational Analysis section of MAPP identifies the natural powers (i.e. "motivational characteristics and learning styles") of an individual. Schools and teachers can actually know the individual and his/her learning preferences before the teaching begins and be able to design the educational paths which fit each student.
Philosophical: conceptual, strategic; deal w/ideas | 62 | 2 |
Intuitive/Impulsive: subconscious awareness/action | 56 | 3 |
Scientific: methodical exploration and discovery | 54 | 3 |
Symbolic/dramatic: visualize/project roles, images | 54 | 3 |
Computational: systematic use of tangible numbers | 44 | 3 |
Clerical/Logical: work with known routine and detail | 39 | 4 |
Perceptual/Sensory: sight/sound/taste/smell/feel | 23 | 5 |
Mechanical/Functional: natural mechanical expertise | 21 | 5 |
Pragmatic/Factual: work with known facts, problems | 21 | 5 |
PERCEPTUAL ORIENTATION (How you retain or block information)
General concept retention: primary ideas; essence | 62 | 2 |
Blockage of data; not perceptive of fact, detail | 61 | 2 |
Triggered imagination; innovative use of options | 56 | 3 |
Triggered fantasy; thinking apart from facts/reality | 54 | 3 |
Triggered logic: analytical exploration, procedure | 44 | 3 |
Triggered computation; numerical and statistical | 43 | 4 |
Rote retention: verbatim perception and recall regarding fact | 39 | 4 |
Resistance to change; attachment to the familiar | 33 | 4 |
Blockage under stress by anxiety, intimidation, etc. | 30 | 4 |
Dogmatic blockage; set opinions resisting change | 26 | 5 |
PERCEPTION RE: INPUT `MEDIA' (How you prefer to receive information)
Written essay: informal "literary" explanations | 61 | 2 |
Auditory: general ideas, concepts; explanations | 55 | 3 |
Written, Technical: specialized content, language | 52 | 3 |
Auditory: technical, specialized fact and data | 47 | 3 |
Visual: charts, graphs, blueprints, diagrams | 47 | 3 |
Published Data: nomenclature, numbers, detail | 44 | 3 |
Visual: pictures, illustrations, artistic forms | 41 | 4 |
Dialog: learning by talking it over with others | 69 | 2 |
Social (small group) dialog, sharing, support | 68 | 2 |
Individual study; isolation eliminates distraction | 65 | 2 |
Loose Structure: guidelines with individual choice | 64 | 2 |
Nonsocial isolation best for study and output | 63 | 2 |
Absorb information from lectures (oral delivery) | 62 | 2 |
Social (large group) involvement, interaction | 60 | 2 |
Nonstructured: self-discipline, options, choices | 55 | 3 |
Formal Structure: set study conditions, times, rules | 48 | 3 |
Benefit from friendly/involved class environment | 67 | 2 |
Benefit from friendly/distant class environment | 67 | 2 |
Benefit from harmonious class environment | 67 | 2 |
Cope with impersonal expectations, nonpressured | 62 | 2 |
Benefit from benevolent teaching and/or counseling | 60 | 2 |
Copes well in tolerant classroom environment | 57 | 2 |
Cope with critical, pressured environment | 51 | 3 |
Cope with authoritarian, dictatorial teaching | 49 | 3 |
SKILLS FOR TESTING PROCEDURES (How you most effectively test)
Written Essay: literary ability to present ideas | 72 | 1 |
Written-Topical: technical presentation of topic | 66 | 2 |
Oral/Private: ability to orally explain, discuss | 64 | 2 |
Informal Appraisal: ability with general knowledge | 61 | 2 |
Oral/Public: drive/ability to influence large audience | 60 | 2 |
Tests Graded: rote response and accuracy for test | 59 | 2 |
Multiple Choice: select best among limited choice | 57 | 2 |
Tests Timed: concentrate, respond under pressure | 31 | 4 |